Greengage Agritech has helped to fund independent scientific research which highlights the benefits of being able to monitor birds and their environment in real time, for welfare and performance.
A study funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council in an Innovate UK partnership with Greengage Lighting Ltd. has shown that acoustic data from chicks could be used to identify welfare problems.
A team of researchers from the University of Plymouth, University of Roehampton, SRUC and Newcastle University collected acoustic data from chicks in 12 commercial flocks. Analysis of this data showed that distress calling could be clearly picked up above the usual background noise of the farm. This makes it possible to identify in real-time, potential welfare issues such as inadequate access to feed and water or incorrect environmental conditions. Indeed, the researchers were able to demonstrate a link between distress calling and increased mortality and reduced growth later in the growing period.
The findings of this research provide further support for the benefits of automated monitoring of livestock and the environment they are in by providing real-time warnings of emerging issues.
Steve Parsons CEO of Greengage Lighting commented ‘We were really pleased to be able to help fund this research and are very excited by the results. All our products are backed by research and this study emphasises the benefits of automated monitoring, like our new range of ALIS sensors, for the early identification of any potential problems. Early resolution of issues is good for the farmer and good for bird welfare.’